The purpose of Hirtshals Fishing association is to work for promotion of the fishing industry, including also among other things education, port facilities and sale of fish.

To become an active member of Hirtshals Fishing association you have to carry out commercial fishing, be owner of a fishing vessel or share fisherman, who is engaged on a fishing vessel. Furthermore you can become a passive member, if you are a former commercial fisherman. By the end of 2014 Hirtshals Fishing association had 78 active members and 8 passive. Regarding the composition of the fleet there is 45 vessels under 5 tons and 55 vessels over 5 tons. Attach to Hirtshals Fishing association is also Fishermen´s Crate renting, who services, handles, delivers and washes fish crates for vessels. The daily management of Hirtshals Fishing association is handled by the board of the association at any time chairman in office. As assistance in the in the normal run of things he has a bookkeeper plus a fisheries expert. The staff of the fishing association is ready for servicing and advising the members in relation to the many regulations, which form the basis of execution of commercial fishing in Denmark.



Norgeskajen 4,1,
9850 Hirtshals


Phone: +45 98 94 25 88
Fax: +45 98 94 49 88
Mail: post@hififo.dk